Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, I'm sure many of you were wondering just how long I could go before I started buying for our little bundle of joy. Ray and I have done so well. We kept swearing we would wait to purchase anything when we could buy pink or blue. But, this past weekend, I broke. My mom and dad made a trip down to New Orleans. Dad and Ray participated in a fundraiser for the Dental School on Saturday. So, what are 2 girls to do on a sunny, Saturday morning in New Orleans? Shop up Magazine Street, of course!! Pipen Lane, Angelique, Little Laughter, oh the fun we had! And, I made a few purchases that I feel sure will work wonderfully on our little lad or our little lady. We definitely want our little one to know he/she is a NOLA baby...


  1. There's no baby like a NOLA baby!!!! A great place to call home!!!

    Nicole T. Hill

  2. will this be another Saint's baby?

  3. LOVE the mardi gras stand one!!! And of course you know I love the fleur de lis...
